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Distance Meditation

Distance meditation involves an individual meditating to accomplish distant psychological healing. In a study of distance medication's effects on depression, a healthcare professional examined medical files of patients and meditated for the patients based on those files. There was no direct interaction or contact with the patient.


Diphenoxylate is an opioid agonist used in the treatment of diarrhea. It prolongs transit time by slowing intestinal contractions and peristalsis and allows the intestines to draw moisture from stool to prevent loose or liquid stools. 

Dioctahedral Smectite and Iodine Glycerine Cream (DSIG)

Dioctahedral smectite is a naturally absorbent clay formed from a sheet of aluminomagnesium silicate. It is thought to reduce microbes, enhance the intestinal barrier, and prevent damage to the mucosa. Iodine is a nonantibiotic antiseptic that has antimicrobial properties.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, is an industrial solvent. DMSO often is used as a cream or ointment applied to the skin to reduce pain, decrease swelling, treat autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, and promote healing in wounds and burns. DMSO infusion has been studied for relief of intractable pain. 

Dietary Supplements

Supplementation of the diet with various vitamins and other supplements has been studied in patients with cancer for its impact on a variety of symptoms. Individual study summaries should be reviewed for identification of the specific supplements used.

Dietary Restrictions (Fiber and Lactose)

Elimination of specific items from dietary intake, such as fiber and lactose, has been examined for management of diarrhea and constipation in patients with cancer.


Dexamphetamine (dextroamphetamine) is a psychostimulant that causes pronounced stimulation of the cerebral cortex and respiratory and vasomotor centers, increasing motor activity, mental alertness, wakefulness, and euphoria. Dexamphetamine has been evaluated for fatigue.

Dexamethasone Sparing Regimen

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids administered at specific intervals are part of recommended antiemetic regimens that are given daily with highly emetogenic chemotherapy during multiday courses. Alternate, less frequent doses of dexamethasone were studied in patients with cancer for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

Dexamethasone Additive to IV Chemotherapy

Dexamethasone added to oxaliplatin for intravenous infusion was tested for its effect on venous pain from chemotherapy infusions. In one study, it was hypothesized that the addition of dexamethasone would adjust the pH of an oxaliplatin infusion, reducing venous pain and other complications with peripheral vein infusion (Hata et al., 2015).


Vasopressin is a hormone that stimulates contraction of muscle tissues of capillaries and arterioles, and exerts some influence on uterine contraction. It causes conservation of water and raises blood pressure. Desmopressin, a synthetic form of the human hormone vasopressin, limits the amount of water eliminated in the urine. It can be administered nasally, via IV, orally, or given as a sublingual tablet. Major uses of desmopressin include bed-wetting, nighttime urination, clotting disorders, and diabetes insipidus.

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