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Multicomponent Interventions

Multicomponent interventions for caregivers include a combination of educational, supportive, psychotherapuetic, and respite care.

MS 20 Soybean Extract

MS 20 is a fermented soybean extract. Fermented soybean products contain isoflavones that may have chemoprotective effects and increase antioxidant activity. MS 20 use has been examined in patients with cancer for its effects on natural killer cell activity and symptoms of anorexia and fatigue.


Moxibustion is an east Asian traditional therapy involving the application of the heat from burning herbs to stimulate specific spots on the skin or acupoints. Moxibustion may be used in combination with acupuncture. This intervention has been examined in people with cancer for its effect on fatigue. 

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a counseling style and way of being with an individual in which the counselor becomes a helper in the change process. The motivational interviewing style generally is founded in principles of the provision of empathy through reflective listening, identifying discrepancies between client goals, values, and current behavior, avoiding confrontation, adjusting to client resistance, the provision of support and optimism, and the enhancement of self efficacy. This style is aimed at helping clients to resolve ambivalence about behavior change.

Morphine Mouthwash

A mouthwash containing a morphine solution was examined for its effect on oral mucositis and on acute pain from oral mucositis in patients with cancer.  


Modafinil is a psychostimulant effective in the treatment of excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy and in people with shift-work sleep disorder. It is used to increase wakefulness and capacity for attention, to brighten mood, and to enhance memory. Modafinil comes as a tablet for oral intake and has been evaluated in patients with cancer for fatigue and cognitive impairment.

Mistletoe Extract

Mistletoe extracts have been applied to patients with cancer for claimed cytotoxic effects. Mistletoe has been discussed for its potential effect on fatigue.

Misoprostol Oral Rinse

Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analogue that acts upon gastric cells to inhibit secretion of gastric acid. It has been used to prevent ulcers in people who take medicines such as aspririn and NSAIDs. Misoprostol is available as a tablet to take orally. A topical application of misoprostol was examined in the treatment of mucositis.


Mirtazapine is in a class of medications called antidepressants. It also has been used as an antianxiety medication, antiemetic, and appetite stiumulant. It works by enhancing adrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter activity in the brain. Mirtazapine is also an antagonist of 5-HT3 and histamine receptors. Mirtazapine is available as a tablet and  an oral disintegrating tablet.

Mind-Body Medicine

Mind-body medicine involves interventions that incorporate approaches to improve health and well-being with combined physiologic and psychological approaches. That combination can take multiple forms and combine a variety of psychological and mental disciplines with nutrition, activity, medications, and more. General mind-body medicine that combined such aspects as stress-reduction techniques, meditation, cognitive-behavioral approaches, yoga, and guided imagery, as well as physical activity and nutrition, has been studied for its effect on fatigue.

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