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Scrambler Therapy

Scrambler therapy is a noninvasive approach that uses surface electrostimulation on dermatomes to "scramble" the transmission of pain messages to the brain. Scrambler therapy has been examined in patients with cancer for its effect on neuropathic pain and neuropathy symptoms.

Samital® Mouth Rinse

Samital® is a combination of botanical extracts from bilberry, macleaya cordata fruits, and Echinaceas angustifolia roots. These extracts have antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, and antinflammatory properties, as well as activity to protect mucosa and improve fibroblast proliferation. This solution was examined for its effect in prevention and management of oral mucositis.

Salvia Officinalis

This plant is commonly known as kitchen or common sage, and its extract can be used in tablet form as an herbal remedy. Though the mechanism of action of the extract is still unknown, the primary biologically active agent of sage is thought to be the plant's essential oil. The extract reportedly has anti-inflammatory, antihydrotic, antibiotic, hypoglycemic, estrogenic, astringent, and antispasmodic properties.

Salivary Stimulation

Salivary stimulation is aimed at preventing functional loss of salivary gland activity. Stimulation can be done mechanically, using chewing gum like stimulation, pharmacologically, or electrically using a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Salivery stimulation has been studied in patients with cancer for effects on oral mucositis.


Saline is a solution of sodium chloride in water, and it can be used for multiple purposes including intravenous infusions, nasal irrigation, eye drops, and wound cleaning. Several formulations of saline are available with added ingredients including Lactated Ringer's solution and Acetated Ringer's solution. 


Pycnogenol is an extract of pinus pinaster bark. It is believed to interfere with inflammation. This extract was studied for its effect on oral mucositis in patients with cancer.


Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, helps the body break down protein and maintain the health of red blood cells, the nervous system, and parts of the immune system. Pyridoxine is found in fish, liver, pork, chicken, potatoes, wheat germ, bananas, and dried beans. This vitamin comes in regular and extended-release (long-acting) tablets. Pyridoxine has been used as an intervention for skin reactions in patients with cancer.

Psyllium Fiber

Psyllium is a specific form of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has been used to treat diarrhea because of its ability to absorb fluid and increase the weight of stools.


Psychotherapy involves a variety of approaches for structured therapeutic interaction between a trained professional and the client addressing problems that are psychological in nature.


Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in various species of mushrooms. Psilocybin is rapidly metabolized to psilocin, which is a potent agonist at serotonin receptor activation, directly correlated with human hallucinogenic activity. It has been examined in the treatment of anxiety in patients with advanced stage cancer.

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