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  • ONS transitions On-Demand into ONS All-Access™, an organizational purchasing program that includes group purchasing, volume discount pricing, usage reports, special previews, and more for books, courses, and other ONS products. 
  • ONS hires Angie Stengel, CAE, as executive director of Oncology Nursing Foundation.  
  • The Oncology Nursing Podcast reaches 1 million downloads! 
  • Then–ONS President Danya Garner, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, OCN®, CCRN, and ONS CEO Brenda Nevidjon, RN, MSN, FAAN, present at President Biden’s Cancer Panel. 
  • Six oncology-focused professional and patient organizations, including ONS, published the Oncology Navigation Standards of Professional Practice for use in professional oncology navigation care. With input from many major navigation-focused professions, the standards guide best practices for care providers across cancer settings.  
  • ONS launches the Learning Extension Activities Plan (LEAP) to help faculty members teach oncology to nursing students. 
  • ONS releases the first-of-its-kind Biomarker Database, a clinical decision support (CDS) tool that connects clinical professionals to information about therapeutic options for certain cancers and their associated biomarkers. 
  • ONS On-Demand™ reaches more than 100 institutions. 
  • ONCC is rebranded and receives a new logo. 
Purple letters ONCC with text underneath saying "Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation"

ONS’s first building – 701 Washington Road, Mount Lebanon, PA 

Street view of a light tan and reddish brown building with larger numbers on the front reading 701

1973: The first National Cancer Nursing Research Conference is held.

Scanned image of aged, yellowed document with typed text of the first cancer nursing newsletter

1971: President Richard Nixon signs the National Cancer Act, which establishes national cancer research centers and national cancer control programs.6 

  • National Cancer Institute researchers demonstrate that combination chemotherapy induces partial and complete remissions and prolongs survival in children and adults with acute leukemia.4 
  • Edith Wolf (far right, with glasses), an early founder of ONS, participates in St. John's University Nurses Congress, "Changing Times."


Black and white aged image of four women sitting at a desk smiling toward the camera, a chalk board in the background

1950: Katherine Nelson teaches a cancer nursing course to the first class of Black public health nurses at the University of North Carolina.

Black and white aged image of a classroom with African American female students sitting in chairs as Caucasian female, Katherine Nelson, teaches at the front of the class

1949: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves nitrogen mustard (mechlorethamine) for the treatment of cancer.

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