Supportive Care

Unmet Needs in Survivors On and Off Cancer Treatment: A Comparative Survey

Matthew Washko

Melissa Holt

Allison Deal

Hillary M Heiling

Rebecca Hoover

Deborah K. Mayer

needs assessment, continuity of care, neoplasms, survivorship, unmet needs
CJON 2022, 26(4), 335-342. DOI: 10.1188/22.CJON.335-342

Survivors require a range of resources to keep up with the demands of their treatments and side ef­fects, and can have many unmet needs. A survey of patients at one cancer center identified significant differences in the needs of survivors on treatment and off treatment, with a higher number of unmet physical needs beyond functional status for those currently receiving treatment. Unmet emotional needs were high in both groups, suggesting that more resources and education may be of benefit to patients in understanding the role of cancer in their lives.

At a Glance:

  • Survivors on and off cancer treatment have many unmet physical needs, suggesting more attention to side effects is required.
  • Survivors often have spiritual and emotional needs related to understanding cancer, in addition to managing the impact of cancer on their lives, work, and relationships.
  • Many survivors identify lack of awareness of resources as their largest barrier to accessing help.
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