Manual for Radiation Oncology Nursing Practice and Education (Fifth Edition)

Maurene McQuestion, Lorraine C. Drapek, & Mary Ellyn Witt
Oncology Nursing Society


Caring for an individual receiving radiation therapy as part of overall cancer care requires a patient-focused approach. To support this patient population, nurses across treatment settings must constantly expand and refine their knowledge of advancements in radiation therapy technology, research, and evidence-based practice.

In this fifth edition of the Oncology Nursing Society Manual for Radiation Oncology Nursing Practice and Education, nurses of all experience levels will advance their knowledge of radiation biology and protection, diverse radiation therapy modalities, combination treatments, site- and disease-specific issues, symptom management, special populations, and much more.

This expanded and revised resource includes significant updates and additions to best reflect advancements in radiation oncology.

New topics include:

  • patients with cognitive changes and dementia
  • general distress and coping
  • special populations including individuals with mental illness
  • special needs related to late effects of treatment and cardiac toxicities, and the latest treatment modalities.

This manual will serve oncology nurses, advanced practice clinicians, educators, and administrators seeking the education and skills required to care for patients receiving radiation therapy and their families.

Please see the following errata for changes to this book:
Errata sheet

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