
A Structured Nursing Intervention to Address Oral Chemotherapy Adherence in Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Jean E. Boucher

Joan Lucca

Catherine Hooper

Lillian Pedulla

Donna L. Berry

lung cancer, oral chemotherapy, adherence, knowledge, oncology nursing
ONF 2015, 42(4), 383-389. DOI: 10.1188/15.ONF.383-389

Purpose/Objectives: To evaluate a nurse-led intervention to enhance medication knowledge and adherence using the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer Oral Agent Teaching Tool (MOATT).

Design: Longitudinal, descriptive feasibility study.

Setting: An ambulatory thoracic oncology disease center located at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA.

Sample: 30 adult patients with lung cancer who received the oral agent erlotinib.

Methods: Structured, nurse-led education sessions using the MOATT were provided, with a 72-hour follow-up telephone contact. Participants completed a Knowledge Rating Scale (KRS) and adapted Morisky Medication Adherence Scale–8 (MMAS-8) at the end of the first cycle of oral chemotherapy.

Main Research Variables: Knowledge and adherence; feasibility.

Findings: Twenty-seven participants completed the study outcome measures reporting high knowledge levels and MMAS-8 scores. Structured, nurse-led education and follow-up monitoring sessions ranged from 14–30 minutes. Several participants also initiated contact for assistance with prescription procurement and symptom management. Participants reported a median of two side effects.

Conclusions: The structured, nurse-led teaching, using the MOATT tool, and follow-up nurse contacts were feasible as integrated into the thoracic oncology setting. Adherence and knowledge outcomes were encouraging. Additional studies should include objective adherence measures and strategies for delivering supportive care to patients at home.

Implications for Nursing: Structured teaching with patients is important to enhance proper oral anticancer medication knowledge and adherence, including follow-up monitoring of administration and side effects at 72 hours.

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