Year 2000 Oncology Nursing Society Research Priorities Survey

Mary E. Ropka

Thomas M. Guterbock

Linda U. Krebs

Kathleen Murphy-Ende

Kathy M. Stetz

Barbara L. Summers

Eric Bissonette

Barbara A. Given

Gail A. Mallory

ONF 2002, 29(3), 481-491. DOI: 10.1188/02.ONF.481-491

Purpose/Objectives: To determine the Oncology Nursing Society's (ONS's) research priorities for 2001-2005 for oncology nursing across the entire scope of cancer care, including prevention, detection, treatment, and palliative care.

Design: A cross-sectional, mailed survey.

Sample: Stratified by the general member group (i.e., a random sample of 1,850 ONS members) and researcher group (i.e., census of 150 ONS researchers). 788 responded for an overall response rate of 39%.

Main Research Variables: 113 topics that were identified from the 1994 ONS Research Priority Survey questionnaire and earlier ONS Research Priority Surveys, with the addition of 20 new items to existing questionnaire categories and one new category area: health services research.

Findings: Top 20 research priorities were distributed across six of eight questionnaire categories, and the number of top 20 priorities within categories differs. Compared to the 1994 survey, 9 topics were common to both top 20 lists; 8 were new to the top 20, and 11 dropped out of the top 20. When the researcher group and adjusted total sample group top 20 priority ratings were compared, nine topics were common to both groups.

Conclusions: Examining research priorities affords different perspectives to guide practice, education, research, management, and administration.

Implications for Nursing: ONS Research Priority Survey results provide an important foundation for developing future research across the entire scope of oncology nursing.

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