Update On…

Update on … Psychosocial Dimensions of Oncology Care

Susan Weiss Behrend

psychosocial, psychosocial aspects, oncology
ONF 2013, 40(6), 613-614. DOI: 10.1188/13.ONF.613-614

The focus of this column is to present topics of interest from a variety of journals to Oncology Nursing Forum readers. The topic of this issue is psychosocial dimensions of oncology care.

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    Bleiker, E.M., Esplen, M.J., Meiser, B., Petersen, H.V., & Patenaude, A.F. (2013). 100 years Lynch syndrome: What have we learned about psychosocial issues? Familial Cancer, 12, 325-339. doi:10.1007/s10689-013-9653-8
    Bleiker, E.M., Menko, F.H., Kluijt, I., Taal, B.G., Gerritsma, M.A., Wever, L.D., & Aaronson, N.K. (2007). Colorectal cancer in the family. Psychosocial distress and social issues in the years following genetic counseling. Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 5, 59-66. doi:10.1186/1897-4287-5-2-59
    Esplen, M.J., Stuckless, N., Gallinger, S., Aronson, M., Rothenmund, H., Semotiuk, K., … Wong, J. (2011). Development and validation of an instrument to measure the impact of genetic testing on self-concept in Lynch syndrome. Clinical Genetics, 80, 415-423. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0004.2011.01770.x
    Krush, A.J., Lynch H.T., & Magnuson, C. (1965). Attitudes toward cancer in a "cancer family": Implications for cancer detection. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 249, 432-438. doi:10.1097/00000441-196504000-00011
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    EUROFAMCARE. (n.d.). Services for supporting family carers of elderly people in Europe: Characteristics, coverage, and usage. Retrieved from http://www.uke.de/extern/eurofamcare
    Kim, Y., Kashy, D.A., Spillers, R.L., & Evans, T.V. (2010). Needs assessment of family caregivers of cancer survivors: Three cohorts comparison. Psycho-Oncology, 19, 573-582. doi:10.1002/pon.1597
    Kim, Y., Spillers, R.L., & Hall, D.L. (2012). Quality of life of family caregivers 5 years after a relative's cancer diagnosis: Follow-up of the National Quality of Life Survey for Caregivers. Psycho-Oncology, 21, 273-281. doi:10.1002/pon.1888
    Romito, F., Goldzweig, G., Cormio, C., Hagedoorn, M., & Andersen, B.L. (2013). Informal caregiving for cancer patients. Cancer, 119, 2160-2169. doi:10.1002/cncr.28057
    Ruf, M., Büchi, S., Moergeli, H., Zwahlen, R.A., & Jenewein, J. (2009). Positive personal changes in the aftermath of head and neck cancer diagnosis: A qualitative study in patients and their spouses. Head and Neck, 31, 513-520. doi:10.1002/hed.21000
    Wen, K.Y., & Gustafson, D.H. (2004). Needs assessment for cancer patients and their families. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2, 11. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-2-11